- Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Download Free Pc Game
- Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Download Free Pc Full
- Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Download Free Pc
- Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Download Free Pc Torrent
Tomb raider 5 free download. TombViewer TombViewer is a Windows application that enables you to freely navigate inside Tomb Raider series ma. Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation follows her quest through 43 levels, all set in the same underground world, so the story moves as seamlessly and effortlessly as the famous Tomb Raider herself. In Tomb Raider Chronicles, Lara is still missing in Egypt and there is no word about her whereabouts. Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Free Download Pc Game - Tomb Raider Clipart is best quality and high resolution which can be used personally or non-commercially. Tomb Raider 5: Chronicles PC Game PC Game Android Game Laptop Game Crack APK Patch Free Full Version Rip Version ISO GAME GRATIS DOWNLOAD.
The downloads listed below include various save points from each level, including most secrets and especially difficult points. Each file also includes a text document describing the location of each save. For a complete list of all 137 Chronicles saves, see here.
IMPORTANT: There are two sets of files for each level. One was made with the original, un-patched game, the other with the Multi Patch for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 from tombraiderchronicles.com. In my experience, most of the original game saves will load in the patched game, but if you're having any trouble, try the other version. The Multi-Patched saves should also work for the GOG and Steam downloads.
In a tight spot? Don't panic. Download a Tomb Raider savegame file.
Chronicles Complete
These collections include all of the files in the list below.
(original game - 271 KB zip file | multi-patched version - 141 KB zip file)
Downloads for the individual levels are zip files ranging from 8 to 19 KB in size.
Rome Levels
Level 1: Streets of Rome (original game | multi-patched version)
Level 2: Trajan's Markets (original game | multi-patched version)
Level 3: The Colosseum (original game | multi-patched version)
Russian Submarine Levels
Level 4: The Base (original game | multi-patched version)
Level 5: The Submarine (original game | multi-patched version)
Level 6: Deepsea Dive (original game | multi-patched version)
Level 7: Sinking Sub (original game | multi-patched version)
Ireland Levels
Level 8: Gallows Tree (original game | multi-patched version)
Level 9: Labyrinth (original game | multi-patched version)
Level 10: Old Mill (original game | multi-patched version)
VCI Headquarters Levels
Level 11: 13th Floor (original game | multi-patched version)
Level 12: Escape with the Iris (original game | multi-patched version)
Level 13: Red Alert! (original game | multi-patched version)
Hacked VCI Saves - Start of each level with extra medipaks and ammo. (Should work with original or multi-patched version. Feel free to email for help if they don't.)
Special thanks to Eldin and Luka for the Windows XP/Vista/7 saves.
Additional Chronicles PC Saves
Jeff Reid's Complete TR Chronicles PC Saves (145 KB zip file) - Jeff has provided another set of TR5 saves in case I don't have the exact point you need. The download includes a text document detailing where each save was made.
Game Information
Official Name | Tomb Raider Chronicles |
Version | Full Game |
File Upload | Torrent |
Developer (s) | Core Design |
Publisher (s) | Eidos Interactive |
Composer (s) | Peter Connelly |
Series | Tomb Raider |
Engine | Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation |
Platform (s) | PC, Windows |
Release date (s) | 2000 |
Genre (s) | Action-adventure |
Mode (s) | Single player |
Tomb Raider Chronicles Full PC Game Overview
Tomb Raider Chronicles download free. full Game is the fifth video gamein the Tomb Raider series and the sequel to Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. It was developed byCore Design and published by Eidos Interactive. The game was originally released in 2000 forPlayStation, Dreamcast, Microsoft Windows andMac OS. It was also released on the PAL PlayStation Store on 12 January 2011. It sold 1.5 million copies worldwide, making it one of the least successful Tomb Raider games in the series.
The gameplayof Tomb Raider Chronicles is closely tied to that of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. In terms of movement and animation, the new additions to Lara's skills are the ability to walk on a tightrope, the ability to grab and swing on horizontal bars and the ability to somersault forwards from a ledge while crouching. Focusing on Lara herself, little to no improvement has been made from the previous instalment. However, Lara does sport new clothing and gear in the form of a camouflage snow-suit and a black catsuit suitable for infiltration. Tomb Raider Chronicles Free Download.
Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Download Free Pc Game

Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Download Free Pc Full
Several weapons from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation have not returned (namely the Crossbow and the Grenade Launcher), but the MP5 submachine gun and Desert Eagle fromTomb Raider III and the revolver from The Last Revelation have returned. New equipment consists of a TMX-Timex that Lara uses to track her statistics and grappling gun, which fires a grappling hook into perishable surfaces and produces a rope from which Lara can swing. It is used to latch on certain areas of the ceiling and swing across vaults. Only one vehicle (of sorts) appears: a high-tech diving suit designed to penetrate deep waters. The ability to save wherever one desires returns from The Last Revelation as does the combining system of puzzle items used to progress in the level. Lara also uses a crowbar and a torch to progress through the virtual world.
Secrets in Tomb Raider Chronicles are represented by a golden rose (much like the dragons inTomb Raider II). In total there are 36 scattered throughout the game and when the player has found every one of them, a new special features menu is unlocked from the Options screen.
See also: Tomb Raider characters — Tomb Raider Chronicles
Tomb Raider: Chronicles is set just days after the events of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. After the Temple of Horus had caved in, effectively entombing Lara, she is presumed dead. A memorial service is held, soon after which Winston Smith and Father Patrick Dunstan reveal that Werner von Croy is excavating the dilapidated temple in the hope of discovering her alive. Tomb Raider Chronicles Free Download PC Game.

Later at Croft Manor, three old associates of Lara's — Winston Smith, Father Patrick Dunstan and Charles Kane — reminisce some of her past adventures. The first of which is situated in Rome, where Lara is searching for the fabled Philosopher's Stone. Pierre DuPont and Larson Conway are reintroduced and we learn that they are, too, after the Stone.
The second adventure entails Lara on the hunt for the famed Spear of Destiny. She encounters a Mafioso gang leader, Mikhailov, who is also after the Spear. Lara retrieves the Spear from the Ocean floor but is apprehended by a couple of Mikhailov's men. She warns him not to use the Spear as he has no idea of the powers it could unleash. However, he disregards her warnings as desperate attempts to attain the Spear. Mikhailov is inflicted with its power and the submarine hull is breached. Lara escapes and leaves the Spear to rest.
The third adventure is set in Lara's childhood on Black Isle of Ireland. She's staying with Winston but overhears him and Father Patrick Dunstan conversing about strange paranormal happenings on the island. She stows away on the small boat Father Patrick drives to the island and encounters many strange beings such as the Hanging Corpse, Changelings, a monster intent on chasing and killing her, the Grim Reaper, ghosts and the Demon Verdilet.
The fourth and final expedition involves Lara infiltrating a high-tech complex owned by none other than Werner von Croy in pursuit of the Iris artefact, an artefact Lara sees as her own from the beginning events of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.
After the fourth adventure is wrapped up, back in Egypt, Werner von Croy is excavating the collapsed temple. A young boy gets the attention of Werner and asks him to come and see. He follows. When he enters the tomb, he demands to see what they have found. It is Lara's backpack. He then declares: «We've found her!», presuming that Lara is alive. Tomb Raider Chronicles for PC.
Tomb Raider Chronicles Free Download PC Game
Click on below button to start Tomb Raider ChroniclesDownload Free PC Game. It is a Full Version PC Game. Just download torrent and start playing it.
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Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Download Free Pc

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