Install Wget On Mac Catalina

This list will be updated as other compatible models become available. If you're using one of these computers with OS X Mavericks or later, you can install macOS Catalina. Your Mac also needs at least 4GB of memory and 12.5GB of available storage space, or up to 18.5GB of storage space when upgrading from OS X Yosemite or earlier. If you have a machine with one of these GPUs installed, I'd advise upgrading it if possible (can be done in 2010/2011 iMacs, iMac11,x-12,x), disabling the dedicated GPU if using a 2011 15' or 17' MacBook Pro (MacBookPro8,2/8,3, instructions to do so can be found here), or not installing Catalina. Running Catalina without full graphics.

  1. Install Wget On Mac Catalina Update
  2. How To Install Wget Mac
  3. Install Wget On Mac Catalina Island
  4. Install Wget On Mac Catalina
  5. Install Wget On Mac Catalina Os

Question or issue on macOS:

I try to install wget in MAC OS 10.11.1 but when I run ./configure –with-ssl=openssl I get this error:

How to resolve this problem in OSX 10.11.1?

How to solve this problem?

Install Wget On Mac Catalina Update

Solution no. 1:

Using brew

First install brew:

And then install wget with brew and also enable openressl for TLS support

Using MacPorts

First, download and run MacPorts installer (.pkg)

And then install wget:

Solution no. 2:

For macOS Sierra, to build wget 1.18 from source with Xcode 8.2.

  1. Install Xcode

  2. Build OpenSSL

    Since Xcode doesn’t come with OpenSSL lib, you need build by yourself. I found this:, follow instruction and build OpenSSL lib. Then, prepare your OpenSSL directory with “include” and “lib/libcrypto.a”, “lib/libssl.a” in it.

    Let’s say it is: “/Users/xxx/openssl-xcode/openssl”, so there should be “/Users/xxx/openssl-xcode/openssl/include” for OpenSSL include and “/Users/xxx/openssl-xcode/openssl/lib” for “libcrypto.a” and “libssl.a”.

  3. Build wget

    Go to wget directory, configure:

    wget should configure and found OpenSSL, then make:

    wget made out. Install wget:

    Or just copy wget to where you want.

  4. Configure cert

    You may find wget cannot verify any https connection, because there is no CA certs for the OpenSSL you built. You need to run:

    New way:

    If you machine doesn’t have “/usr/local/ssl/” dir, first make it.

    Old way:

    Then put cert.pem to: “/usr/local/ssl/cert.pem”

    DONE: It should be all right now.

Solution no. 3:

You need to do

./configure –with-ssl=openssl –with-libssl-prefix=/usr/local/ssl

Instead of this

./configure –with-ssl=openssl

Solution no. 4:

I update mac to Sierra , 10.12.3

How To Install Wget Mac

My wget stop working.

When I tried to install by typing

I got the following warning

Warning: wget-1.19.1 already installed, it’s just not linked.

Then tried to unsintall by typing

Then I reinstalled by typing

Finally I got it worked.Thank God!

Solution no. 5:

And then install wget with brew and also enable openressl for TLS support

It worked perfectly for me.

Hope this helps!


General Installation Instructions¶

PP is available from github. You can get the source code by typinginto your terminal:

This will create a photometrypipeline/ directory in your currentdirectory.

Software Requirements¶

PP only runs on Python 3. It furthermore requires requires git, anumber of non-standard Python modules (available from the PythonPackage Index through pip):

  • astroquery (version >= 0.3.9)

and some freely available software:

  • SCAMP (please download the latest development version)


In order to be able to use PP anywhere on your machine, you have toadd the full path of the photometrypipeline/ directory to yourPYTHONPATH and PATH variables, and you have to create aPHOTPIPEDIR variable on your system that points to the samedirectory (include these commands in your .bashrc, .cshrc, or.profile file.)

Installation Instructions for Ubuntu 16.04+¶

Clone the PP github repo:


Install software requirements for SCAMP, Source Extractor and imagemagick:

Install Python modules:

Add these lines to the .bashrc file in your home directory andreplace <path> with the actual path to the PP directory:

Kudos to towicode for figuring out the SCAMP requirements.

Installation Instructions for Mac OS Catalina¶

Install Anaconda: download Anaconda from your terminal window type one of the below and follow the instructions:

Install AstroConda:

Add packages to base environment::
$ conda install stsci wcstools
Install extra packages::
$ conda install -c astropy pyephem astroquery astroplan astroscrappy ccdproc$ conda install -c conda-forge uncertainties lmfit pysftp scikit-image cfitsio ghostscript openorb$ conda install -c anaconda future pillow wget gfortran_osx-64$ conda install -c bioconda graphicsmagick
Install sextractor and scamp::
$ conda install -c conda-forge astromatic-scamp$ conda install -c conda-forge astromatic-source-extractor
Update pip and install dev version of astroquery::
$ pip install –upgrade pip$ pip install –upgrade –pre astroquery
Install homebrew::
$ ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”$ brew doctor
Install extra software::
$ brew install imagemagick

(Thanks to Nick Moskovitz for these instructions!)

Legacy: Installation Instructions for Mac OS (Sierra)¶

Install Anaconda: download Anaconda from your terminal window type one of the below and follow the instructions:

Install Homebrew:

Install MacPorts by downloading the installer from their website:

Test if gcc will run by typing gcc in a bash terminal. If promptedto install command-line tools, follow the instructions to do so

Update pip:

Install extra python modules in Anaconda:

Install SExtractor:

Install SCAMP:

Install extra software:

Install PP:

Add to ∼/.bash_profile file by replacing <username> with yoursystem user name and <PyVersion> with the Python version you areusing:

Kudos to Annika Gustafsson and Colin Chandler for producing thissummary and Kathryn Neugent for providing corrections.

Update your Version of PP¶

In order to update your version of PP, simply change intophotometrypipeline/ and type:

You should do this regularly as PP is still under constant development.

Example Data¶

The PP github clone comes with some sample data that can be used totest if the pipeline works properly. The data were taken with theVATT4k camera on the VATT and can be found inexample_data/vatt4k. In order to run the pipeline on these images,copy them to a new directory, change there, and run pp_runmscience*fits. If everything works out properly, the results(photometry_3552.dat) should resemble those inexample_data/vatt4k/LOG.

Telescope Setup¶

Install Wget On Mac Catalina Island

PP critically relies on information provided in the FITS image headersto handle data properly. While the FITS format is standardized, headerkeywords are not, leading to additional complications in theinterpretation of FITS files. In order to be able to work with amultitude of different telescopes and instruments, PP comes withguidelines of how to read FITS files coming from differenttelescopes/instruments. These guidelines are imprinted in thesetup/ file. In order to prevent compatibilityissues, you should not change this file directly. Instead, pleasecreate and use a setup/ as described below. You canimplement as many telescopes as you want in this file. The advantageis that the file will not be changed as a result of git pull requests.

The ‘telescope file’ includes for each telescope/instrumentcombination a dictionary (*_param) that translates generaldescriptions for FITS header keywords into specific keywords used bythe respective telescope/instrument combination. For example, thetelescope pointing RA keyword might be named RA for one telescope,but TELRA for another – PP will refer to either of those asra. The telescope file catches these degeneracies and allows thepipeline to understand images coming from a variety of telescopes.The meanings of the individual keys in this dictionary are explainedin the comments of the respective key. Furthermore, eachtelescope/instrument combination must have parameter files for SourceExtractor and SCAMP (SWARP is currently not supported). Mask files areused by Source Extractor to mask certain regions of the image detector– mask files are only required if field vignetting or image artifacts(e.g., high noise levels in certain areas of the detector) stronglyaffect the detection of sources in the field.

If you want to include you own telescope into the telescope file,follow these steps:

Install Wget On Mac Catalina

  1. Download the file into your setup/ directoryand duplicate the mytelescope_param dictionary. Change theMYTELESCOPE identifier of the duplicate and give it a uniquename (e.g., 42INCH_CCD).
  2. Look at the image header of one of your science images and identifythe different fields of the *_param file. Replace thedictionary item values accordingly.
  3. In the setup/ directory, copy the Source Extractor (.sex)and SCAMP (.scamp) parameter files from either telescope andname them after your telescope (e.g., 42inch_ccd.scamp).
  4. Add your telescope’s identifier to the implemented_telescopes list insetup/, as well as the telescope_parametersdictionary. Finally, add your telescope’s identifier to theinstrument_identifiers dictionary: the value is yourtelescope’s identifier, the key is the INSTRUME header keyword(this is present in most FITS data).
  5. Run pp_prepare() over one of your images. Check with ds9 orsome other tool if the image orientation provided bypp_prepare() is correct. If not, play with the flipx,flipy parameters in your telescope file.

Install Wget On Mac Catalina Os

If this sounds too confusing, send me one of your images in an emailand I will take care of implementing your telescope.